Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Coolest Categories Found In a Kite.......... By Kiara

Sled Kite Hey there it's me again!  Did you know that kites fall into certain categories by the way they look ? I knew that I just wanted to see if you knew, haha, okay whatever ​I will just show you some kites that half fall into certain categories so here we go!!!!! So let's start off with winged section first
Sled Kite The sled kite falls into the winged section because it has wings on the side so if it goes down ​it can glide right back up.
The Winged Box Kite falls into the winged categories because  it does the same thing as the sled kite and it's just the winged version of the original boxed kite.
The Box Kite falls into this categories because it has boxes in the design. 
​Now here comes the diamond category.
Delta Kite The Delta Kite falls into the diamond category because it is formed into a diamond shape.

Here are Some Interesting categories........ By Jenslie

What is your favorite kite style? My favorites are the hang glider looking types. Wait........ a hang glider kite is the only thing Mrs. Grate didn't put that on the paper with the kite pictures. YES! EXTRA CREDIT TIME! they're my favorite because to me it looks big enough to make something in the kite. That would be a nice type of kite that would have enough space for a picture or something that shows what is on your kite. If my team and I were to work on a hang glider kite, I would've known what I would like to do. DO YOU IMAGINE THAT WE WOULD'VE MADE A HANG GLIDER KITE AND GET ON IT AND START FLYING AROUND SHOWING EVERYBODY YOUR KITE! Yea,  you do. What?- A student could dream.


Time For Something Creative................Melissa's kite styles

Do you like different kite styles because guess what, I like different kinds of kite styles. Kites can be creative, less creative, beautiful, and not so beautiful. What I want to see in a kite is something that no one has never seen before. Like Mrs. grate says, which is that building a creative kite is an exciting kite not a boring kite. I know that I don't want a boring kite, in fact that's one of my team's goals, which is to have the most creative, and beautiful kite. Due to our determination as a team, that won't be a hard goal to achieve for us girls. You know about diamond kites, right, well that is one of the kites that we do not want to have because that's too boring. How about a kite that's not a shape for once, because I know that you're tired of the diamond kites or the square kites, or the box kites. Well be amazed when our kite is not a shape,because another word for those kites are boring. And that is not a word that people will use to identify our kite, I know that for sure. Well, I guess that's it, that reading took my breathe away, literally. 

The Most Important Thing Of a Kite is Its Parts, Here is a Demonstration By Kiara

Well hello there! Yea its me again miss me?! Don't answer that I know you do, anyway before I start building a kite I will  explain the parts to you cause if I didn't I would be calling everything a thingy and don't you think that would be pretty confusing but today I will clear up all that confusion so her we go!!!!!!!

Brindle:The loop or loops of string that join the line to the rest  of the kite.
Keel:A vertical piece of sail material beneath the kite like like the keel of the boat.
Sail:The fabric or paper that makes up the horizantal (or nearly-horizantal) parts of the kites.
Spars:Sticks that holds the kite against the wind.
Tail:Used to keep it stable,pointing the right way or just for decoration.
Tow point:Strings that guide the kite to the right way into the wind.
Spreader:Connects sail or paper to kite frame.
Spine:The up-down,or vertical stick that you build your kite around.
Line:The string running from the kite,where you hold to fly the kite.
Fitting:These include stick to stick fittings,and fabric fittings. 
well those are the parts of the kite, see:e ya later alligator<3

Need Help with Kite Vocabulary, Well Read this By Jenslie

All parts of a kite must work. If even one function of a kite is not working properly, it will affect a kite badly. For example, if the spar of a kite were to not function, the kite would be boring and out of shape, literally because the spar of a kite is the shape and beauty. Parts of the kite like spar, tail, spine, towing point, keels, and sail are like people and those people have jobs. Their job is to function. But the parts have to be correctly made. If the parts aren't correctly made how are they going to do their job in. Based on one of my team goals, we are closely paying attention to the spar of the kite. Our team goal was to make the kite most beautiful and the spar of a kite is not only the decoration that you add to the kite, but the shape of the kite. Pay closely attention to these parts...... Because some of them don't like doing their job. ^-^

Time For The Best Kite Vocabulary Ever, And Guess Who It Is, ............Melissa

Kites can be beautiful, and sometime not so beautiful, but what makes a kite beautiful is it's parts. It's like they all have a job that needs to work perfectly or the whole kite can be a waist of materials and time. In fact, the brindle has a part, which is to help the kite become more maneuverable, or more easily while in motion. The spars part on a kite is just as important as the rest of the parts, which are the sticks on a kite to hold the kites shape against the wind. In other words, the spar makes sure the wind doesn't destroy the beauty of the kite. Well, only if the kite is actually beautiful. Anyways the line of the kite is the best balance for a kite, and you don't want a floppy kite you want  perfect kite. Not to mention the tail of the kite, which is pretty similar to the line of a kite, which is used to help get more balance to the kite. Also I forgot to add how my team's kite will top most kites due to how we will make sure that each part of the kite is perfect, with a little design on top to show how beautiful it will be compared to most kites. That means that we will do something different, that no one have already seen before. Try to top that on the contest because me and my team are in for the competition.

New Ways To Find Out About Kite History By Kiara

Hello everyone! It's me again! I've just read about the history of kites! It's amazing! Did you know that we use kites today? I never knew that we use it for various reasons entertainment at most.In the 18th hundreds to 19 hundreds Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Wilson both had some knowledge about kites.Also did u know kites were used in world war II ? They used it so when they are ready to attack they look at the flag as if it was to be a signal to go or not to go.And the wright bros flew and made a kite in 1903, And also in 1889 the wright bros used a kite as an example to see if they can make a kite.HEY! did u know that in 1827 a man named George used kites to pull a horseless carriage also,In 1749 Alexander flew a kite to monitor air temperature at different altitudes.Well that's all for today folks, see ya later alligator <3

The best way to Find Out About Kites By Jenslie

Have you ever heard of the story of Benjamin Franklin and the discovery of electricity. That was a pretty cool story to me. He discovered it by using a kite. A KITE!! Isn't it amazing all the wonders kite made in history. I go to parks and I see people flying a lot of diamond shaped kites and I'm just like that's so last year, apparently it was more the last year. It was before last year and the year before the year before last year and the year before....... You get right. And sometimes I think kites are like new to people that have no life and literally old to people that have no life anymore. Kites have a BIG history one day they are going to fly and make more history.

Unbelievable News About Kites By Melissa

Anyone in here know about, the most brilliant, Benjamin Franklin , because I have to share something about this brilliant man, and it also has to do about our kite project. Well, you all know that he discovered electricity, but do you know how???? He used a kite. I thought a kite was for fun ,but I guess it made history. Knowing that kites made history may be exciting, but knowing how they made history, is even more exciting, well to me. When you see people outside flying there kites with a friend or a parent you don't see them using it to discover electricity, you see it being used for fun and that's what we use kites for during this time now. Isn't it cool, or amazing, or does it blow your minds with excitement????

Our Team Persistence To Keep our Goals Strong By Kiara

Hey it's me again! kiara here! my groups kite is going great, it's all about mystery you know life's mystery's.Me and my group decided that we will make our goals so 1)The most beautiful kite we choose this one because it was about how we make the kites appearance look good and we don't want our kite to look ugly we want it to be the best one there.2)Best teamwork we also chose this one because me and my group work great together and we know we can work a little bit harder to add everyone in this blog and kite.Last but certainly not least 3)Most creative we choose this one (it's my favorite) because we all are creative in many different ways so we can all contribute our ideas in this whole thing and make it our own unique kite and blog so i got to go now  see ya later alligator<3 

Here Are A Couple of Goals That The Best Group Will Achieve By Jenslie

GoalsGoalsGoals. Their like something you have to do. Its like if your mom told you go to the store for her but you have so many things that would lead for you to do for it to happen. Another example is that when Mrs. Grate tells you that you need to finish blog post 1-6 or you wont go home. Going home is your goal, but in order to achieve your goal you need to finish all blog post 1-6. Just like if you want to move on to the next step in building your kite but you need to finish all blog post in order to achieve your goal in moving on to the next step.Goals are like your learning target before you start a new lesson in Math or in ELA. Goals are basically your aim for something you want to get. That's why we set up goals for everything we do. Our team goals for building a kite is super important. The reason why you would set up goals in something you would do is so you wont be all over the place. For example our jobs that we have assigned for our group is kind of like a goal for ourselves. I have the job of Chief engineer, Kiara Vega has the product designer job, Melissa Buckner has the head blogger. If we haven't  had these jobs organized, I would have been doing the head blogger job, Melissa would have done the product designer job- It would have been all a disaster. One of our goals were best team worked kite. That goal even has a goal, that we all put a little something into this project. That's why mostly everything needs a goal or aim.

Goals That Rocks By Melissa

Hello people I bring to you my goals, I mean my groups goals because we decided those goals as a team. First goal is the best  teamwork and that goal should be accomplished by June 24th and our kite will also be at least 4 feet tall. Second goal is  the most beautiful kite, although it already will be  beautiful, anyways that should be done on the same date and the same ft tall. Finally, I get to introduce  the last but not least, goal of the day, ( drum roll please.....................) now presenting goal #3, which is that we will win the most creative kite, as you can see I didn't say we might because I know our kite will be the best because of how much effort we will put into this project, don't get jealous but our project will take all we have as a team. That's all hope you enjoyed my short story of my, I mean our goals as a team. 

The Most Mysterious Theme By Kiara

Well hello there its me again! Miss me?! Don't answer that i know you do haha anyway me and my group have a theme of mystery.We were talking about it and we were talking about books and rainbows leading out of nowhere I don't know, it seems pretty epic to me gratata haha, I think our name should be the mystery chicks or the mystery quadruplets i don't know since there's all girl in my group seems pretty cool, right I know be jealous nah just kidding anyway maybe we can have some ideas pop in our head about the theme well bye see ya later alligator. <3 :3

Time For some Mysteriously Creepy Stories, Here It Comes By Jenslie

Have you seen or hear something you think is it's just your imagination? Or is it? It's called MYSTERY. Well my theme is Mystery. Have you ever seen a magic show and you're just like, WOW, NICE! And then you go up to the magician and ask him or her, "How TO do that." Its all about MYSTERY!  :3 . If you are confused, the answer is mystery. If you have questions you want to get the answer,mystery. If you are wondering something, mystery. MYSTERY,MYSTERY,MYSTERY MYSTERY! 

Time To Throw Boring Stuff Out The Way, Excitement Arrives By Dasia

Hello again my team  choose the theme  mystery.  I think we chose that theme because because it is one of our favorite genre.  The correct definition for mystery is (Some thing that is difficult or almost impossible to understand ) .  When you curious that's Mystery
       when your saying a question that's mystery,
         when your wondering about something that's mystery,
         mystery mystery mystery myyysstteerryy

Our Mysterious Theme By Melissa

Hey there happy readers. I decided to tell you guys about our ideas for the new blog post. Me and my group wanted to do a theme about mystery. Although we need more ideas, I can share the ideas we have so far. Well, we wanted a book with a rainbow, I'm guessing a rainbow of mystery flying across to now where, maybe that could be our mystery. I wanted to add a question mark because that's the mystery isn't it. I got more ideas but first I have to discuss that with my group partners . Hopefully they will like them. Not so fast, I'm not finish, I still have to share my ideas that I have for our blog title how about the mystery book, nah maybe the mystery girls, because if you notice my group is the only group that have all girls, lucky me. I guess I'm finished, those ideas were all I've got for the blog. Wish me luck on the new blog post.  Reply Forward

Here Is an Interesting Life Style By Dasia

Hello girls and boys have you heard about a girl  named Dasia  ........ no, so let me tell you about her . She was  born on June 14, 2001 in the wild parts of Williamsburg .  Dasia is no twig,she can eat about , anything and every thing. From fried chicken to cookies , it might seem weird but she puts salty chips on her ice cream. She has a loving mother who can make any thing funny from getting hurt to getting a bad grade. Hope you loved my personality, good bye.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Here's a Good Sense Of Humor in a Biography By Jenslie

Huh...... Hello......Are you there?........Oh there you are."Cough Cough. "ATTENTION ATTENTION"
Boys and girls, as you learn or hear or read about a young girl. The girl's name was Jenslie Vargas. Jenslie is 11 years old. she was born here in New York. Somewhere in a hospital in Long Island.Ya like I'm gonna know. Jenslie always had a dream of being in the Navy Seals. Basically, she wanted to be a member of the army. But people always have told her that she would die or never come back and this and that like, NO. Let her be, is her dream. She is a smart girl, she loves math and she likes those really hard and big problems like, -2(66x298-78)+88. Those type of stuff. She went to many schools with different themes which, she thinks, makes her much smarter with a bigger imagination. She went to a catholic,public and inter media schools. She likes things that fly. For example she likes making paper airplanes and other things that fly, especially, kites. Well that's Jenslie. And ya, I Know many things about jenslie. I'am very close to Jenslie, if you Know what I mean. :P

The Cool Girl Biography By Kiara

Hey there! have you heard of Kiara yet! what! no!?! Shes a very talented singer and she's only 12 years old. She already knows what she wants  she grew in the magnificent streets of Brooklyn,always having her family and friends by her side. She goes to the best school, Ms.126. She loves singing, fooling around ,and chilling with her best buds. She even told me her dream job is to be a cop. Isn't that amazing? She wants to kick some evil butt just like batman or even wonder women. As she updates this blog you'll see how she is going to built a kite and so much more! <3

The Girl That Once Wanted To Follow In her Mothers Footsteps..................a Biography By Melissa

Is anyone bored yet because I am about save a little room for some interesting stories about, well you should already know the amazing, yet lovely, Melissa. She used to live with her grandmother and her mom, and sisters but is finally in a bigger house with her own room. My mom always came home with a story going on and on about her lovely days fighting crime. Yea I said it, she is a police officer. Talking about police officers every since Melissa realized that being a cop is cool, she decided to follow in her mothers footsteps and become a cop when she gets older. Any who Melissa  was an outside girl that always wanted to go outside with many, many friends that also lived in the building, which she lived in for years with her grandmother. Now most of that fun has changed for her every since she moved to her new house, she  met one friend and loved playing basketball with that friend , which was also her closest neighbor. She always loved the out doors and loves being with her family and friends. Lets not forget about  her amazing dad that treats her like a princess and shows the best dad ever to me and my sisters. Yup, that's all for today, hope that gave you something to talk about with your friends and family at home.